

Courses on the Biology of Cetaceans

These courses are primarily aimed at college students but also open to the general public.
The topics are varied: systematic and evolution with particular reference to the species in the Mediterranean, features that distinguish the order Cetacea based on their anatomy and physiology, theories about the causes of strandings of cetaceans and how to intervene on a cetacean in distress, methods for the study at sea and in captivity, marine mammal husbandry.
The course is made by means of slides, footages and sound recordings. Attendees will receive educational material, and at the end of the course a certificate of participation.
Upon attending the course on the Biology of Cetaceans, participants will have access to advanced courses.


Animal training - advanced course

Day 1
Introduction to Instructors & Course
Fundamental Concepts Review
Advanced Bridging Concepts
Consequences: The Contingency Square
Chaining Behaviors
Maintaining Motivation
Reinforcement Schedules (Ratios)
Concepts Wrap-up
Day 2
Differential Reinforcement Strategies
Advanced Aggression Review and Prevention Concepts
Dealing with Unwanted Behavior: The Grey Areas
Essential Animal Management Behaviors
How to Work in Teams
Hot Topics Discussion
Group and Individual Photos
Concepts Wrap-up
Course & Instructor Evaluation
Course Completion Ceremony
Group Dinner (optional - not included in course fee)
2 practical application / demonstrations daily

Upcoming dates

to be defined


COMBO REGISTRATION (both courses, introductory and advanced)

529 euros per person registering for both courses - early bird registration

599 euros per person registering for both courses - standard registration

674 euros per person registering for both courses - late registration

Please contact us for any further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Animal training - Introductory course

Day 1
Introduction to Instructors & Course
Fundamental Concepts
Standards & Ethical Considerations
Basic Anatomy/ Biology of Dolphins
Practical Application - Meet Dolphins (your “other” instructors)
The Learning Elements
Clear Cuing/Signalments
Bridging Fundamental Skills
Introduction to Consequences
Training Game Activity
Concepts Wrap-up
Day 2
Introduction to Reinforcement Schedules
Making the Most of Toys, Play & Other Fun Activities
The Shaping Process
Play in Wild Animals
Dealing with Unwanted Behavior
Introduction to Aggression in Animals
Natural Aggression in Wild Animals
Group & Individual Photo
Concepts Wrap-up
Course & Instructor Evaluation
Course Completion Ceremony
Group Dinner (optional - not included in course fee)
2 practical application dolphin demonstrations daily

Previous dates:

Tampere (Finland), 1-2 nov 2014


Upcoming dates

to be defined


COMBO REGISTRATION (both courses, introductory and advanced)

529 euros per person registering for both courses - early bird registration

599 euros per person registering for both courses - standard registration

674 euros per person registering for both courses - late registration

Please contact us for any further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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