
"Se crediamo con tanta ingenuità nelle idee è perché dimentichiamo che sono state concepite da mammiferi."(Emil Cioran, 1911-1995)

The fin whale preserved at Oltremare, Riccione’s marine theme park. 'Museologia Scientifica Memorie'

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This short note relates about a specimen of fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus (L., 1758) found in the northern Adriatic sea and whose skeleton is preserved at Oltremare, Riccione’s marine theme park (Italy). Data on recovery and preparation are reported, such as presented at the 1991 European Cetacean Society conference in Sandefjord

Museologia Scientifica Memorie N. 12/2014: 192-192. Le collezioni di Cetacei dei musei italiani. Prima parte (Cetacei attuali). Luigi Cagnolaro, Nicola Maio e Vincenzo Vomero (eds)

24-25 october 2014 - Course on the Biology of Cetaceans in Milan

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The next Course on the Biology of Cetaceans (B type) by Zoönomia will take place in Milan in collaboration with Systema Naturae from 24 to 25 october 2014. Instructor: Alessandro Bortolotto (Zoönomia).
More information in DIVULGAZIONE (italian only). Follow us on Facebook for updated dates and locations.